Protect your business with iMonitor EAM The most complete employee computer activities monitoring software

Monitoring Employee Facebook Usage

Monitoring employee facebook usage during the employee's working time is just a short part of monitoring internet use.

Centralized employee monitoring solution, SEE & LOG everything they do on the PC & INTERNET in real-time. IMonitor EAM Allows you invisibly monitor all employee's pc & internet activities from one contralized position.

IMonitor EAM is the best and all-in-one employee monitoring solution for corporate, it can record every computer and internet activitiy you ever think of.

Live Screenshots Website visited Chat / Instant Messages Online searches
Program activities Document tracking Print job Clipboard activities
Network activity FTP File Transfers Event alerts Removable disk alerts
Remote control Hardware software asset software alteration Lock remote pc
Send msg to employees Block application Block website disable USB stick
Remote task manager End application Enumerate services Enumerate Auto-run
Send file to employees Upload file Send command Work time tracking



Pay attention, your employees are using facebook!

With the rapid development of Facebook and the conveniences it bring to us, along with it's a recreational social network site, Facebook is almost gradually taking up all of our spare time. It is especially popular for such fresh graduates. So my green hand friend who just taking your first job do not use facebook during your working time. The employer can monitoring your every action in invisibly mode. So if the employer want to monitor internet use with Imonitor EAM, try to catch facebook using.

Monitoring facebook usage

See everything they do on Facebook + Social Networks including all the profiles they visit and pictures they post meeting new people, sending messages to friends, gossip, exchange pictures/videos and a whole lot more. all these activities are recorded by iKeylogger which allowing you to ensure that your children are acting responsibly and are safe from Internet threats.

Our support for your monitoring employee facebook usage

Here, at Imonitor EAM, we are committed to improvement of the technical capabilities of our products while streamlining and simplifying their use. The program provides customers with powerful tools to control rampant and uncontrolled IM use.

Imonitor EAM features the Computer Logs Module with Snapshots and Web item that enables the administrator to capture all network data stream in real time, filter and reconstruct instant message sessions. Then the application displays chat conversations accurately by millisecond and save them to a local database as your need.

The administrator can browse conversations conveniently by adding computer IP address and choosing the date/time or searching conversations that contain a specific word or phrase. A useful statistics tool help administrator analyze the usage of different instant messengers in Facebook, and see the top users using Facebook in the company by messages or chat time. You also can output the query results to printer.

Scheduling for Facebook usage

It is pretty hard for most employers to decide whether monitoring employee facebook usage or not. That is why many employers directly block this social network site.

However employee monitoring software should provide a blacklist of websites which employees can't access from their clients pc. Also list the accessible webistes which allow the clients pc to access during their working time. For Facebook usage, here we advice you to set the access permission time to let employees visit Facebook during the break at noon, but other time that will be prohibited.

Anyway monitoring employees activities, maybe that let employees feel indignant or have untrusted mind which later it make them do some inappropriate action against company. They may feel like the workaholic which makes them work every moment without any entertainment. So if you have been ready to take the monitoring facebook usage into consideration, you need set up a appropriate ''acceptable use policy'' disclosing the specific access permission time for Facebook.


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