Website filter

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Website filter

1. Please login iMonitor 365(WorkAuditor) web console.

2. Please click Settings > Website filter.

3. Click "Edit" icon of the target agent in the agent list.

4. Edit the "Website filter"settings, you can add new filter(s), modify / delete existing filter(s).

   4.1 Click the "Add New" button.

   4.2 Input the domain name or part of the domain name as the filter and tick the "Enabled" check box.

   4.3 Select any days of a week to apply this filter.

   4.4 Select "Time limits" to set up the time section.

         A Tick "Totally block the website"

         B Tick to set "Specific time limits"

   For example, if the website is and you set time section 1 from 08:00 to 12:00, time section 2 from 14:00 to 17:00, then employees can not access during this time period.

5. Click "Save website filter",then close the pop-up windows to go into next step.

6. Select destination agent(s). (This option is very flexible,you can copy the same settings to all agents. )

7. Click button to deploy the change of the settings.

8. Finished.The changes will take effect on the remote computer after a couple minutes. If you get an error message, please try these steps again.