(4) Withhold from the amount due for supplies or materials any amount that the Customer deems necessary to protect the interests of the Government, but only if the measures referred to in paragraphs (d)(1), (2) and (3) of this section cannot be implemented or are considered insufficient. 4.6 Obligations upon and after termination. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Tenet or its agent, in addition to the rights or remedies of the parties under the Agreement, shall be entitled to receive the services provided for in this Agreement from a third party. IMaCS undertakes to cooperate with third parties to complete the transaction without interrupting or interrupting a customer`s business operations. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for a period of one (l) year after such termination or expiration, Tenet shall have the right, but not the obligation, and IMaCS will fully cooperate with Tenet and/or its agent, as applicable, to transfer the IMaCS system, operation, hardware, documentation and licenses for the use of all related documents related to the operation of the Data Center. to Tenet or its agent for a fee. calculated as follows: higher than (i) 25% of the actual initial acquisition cost or IMaCS prepaid royalties or (ii) the purchase cost or prepaid royalties, less straight-line depreciation more than sixty (60) months after the date of purchase of the license by IMaCS. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Tenet IMaCS will not pay any additional fees in accordance with this Section 4.6 for the Software provided in accordance with the Master Software License and Service Agreement. IMaCS provides the services at applicable commercial rates. IMaCS will provide other transitional services requested by Tenet as additional services under the terms of this Agreement for a period of sixty (60) days after the transfer of the IMaCS System to Tenet or its agent at IMaCS` then-current commercial rates. c) The customer shall apply the procedures set out in article 49.402 to the extent appropriate for the performance of a contract for reimbursement of costs due to non-reimbursement. However, a refund agreement does not contain a provision to cover excess redemption costs after the end of the delay (see, however, paragraph (g) of clause 52.246-3 with respect to the Contractor`s failure to replace or correct defective deliveries).

(1) All unpaid income of the defaulting contractor, including retained percentages and estimates of the progress of work performed prior to termination of employment, is contingent upon debts owed by the contractor to the government, unless the unpaid revenues can be used to pay the final security for its actual costs and expenses incurred in completing the work. but without its payments and obligations under the payment guarantee given under the contract. While an employee may be dismissed at will for a non-discriminatory reason, the circumstances of the dismissal determine whether the employer can enforce restrictive agreements. In Rao v. Rao, 718 F.2d 219 (7th Cir. 1983), the Seventh Circuit held that an employer cannot enforce restrictive agreements if it dismisses an employee at will (1) without just cause; and (2) in bad faith. The court stated that any employment contract has an implied duty of good faith and fairness and insists on the application of a duty not to compete or a non-solicitation agreement after an employee has been dismissed without just cause and in bad faith would violate that implied obligation. The court added that if the enforcement of restrictive agreements was important to the employer, it simply could not choose not to fire the employee. Termination.

Either party may terminate this Agreement prior to the commencement of the Renewal Period by giving written notice to the other party one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Term. If the termination is provided by the Customer, but the TRAVELTRAX Services provided by TRX exceed the date of termination of the then-current Term, the prices of such TRAVELTRAX Services will apply, at the Customer`s option, either (a) an *; or (b) a *. . . .