The committee`s report, published on the Supreme Court`s website on Thursday afternoon, outlines the challenges facing Singapore`s existing training system for lawyers. The results were: lack of information on training, intense competition for practical training contracts and lack of consistency in in-company training standards. According to the revised SILE guidelines, the duration of the contract for all internships from January 2024 is 12 months. During this time, interns can be transferred to another department. The order of preference you indicated when applying for your practical training contracts will be taken into account when awarding your internship and a possible rotation. However, keep in mind that placements within each department are limited and you cannot be placed in your preferred departments. “Entering into a contract for training in practice will only be a requirement for those who intend to practise law,” said Menon C.J. In addition, we have a comprehensive in-house training program that gives our lawyers an idea of our firm`s other areas of activity. Recommendations (a) and (b) apply to qualified individuals who successfully complete the 2023 or subsequent sessions of the Part B Bar Examinations. Recommendation (c) Part B of the Bar Examinations will be implemented from the 2023 meeting.

We know that in your career you are ambitious and passionate in legal practice. At Withers KhattarWong, we are also committed to training you to become world-class lawyers. Applications for our 2023 training contract will be accepted from August 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022. At Allen & Gledhill, we are proud to train lawyers who will become future thought leaders in the legal industry. We do this through a combination of mentorship and organized training programs that unleash the full potential of every practicing intern who joins us. In addition, seminars, information sessions and tutorials can be held during your training period to help you acquire various legal skills in a more comprehensive way, including customer service and management, design, conducting legal research and due diligence. In addition, as part of our training program for practical trainees, our law firm organizes formal seminars that cover key business topics and basic processes, among others. Practical trainees from all areas of practice are invited to participate in such seminars in order to give everyone the opportunity to learn about an area of activity to which they are not currently exposed. Being global is in our DNA. You will immediately start building your global professional network by working with our international clients and colleagues. We are proud of our global integration and offer you many opportunities to discover other legal cultures than your own during your career with us.

We run an associate secondment program where you can apply for three months to work elsewhere on the Baker McKenzie network. We also regularly run regional training programs that bring together lawyers from across the Asia-Pacific region to learn together. Applications for articling lawyers who will join us in 2023 are now open. All applications must be made through our online career portal. We do not have a rotation system for interns in practice and we do not recommend rotation between departments. Given that the duration of the training contract is relatively short, we believe that a trainee`s performance in practice cannot be judged fairly if he or she rotates between departments. Successful candidates will be offered a place in our training program. Infographic explaining the main changes in the admission and training of lawyers.

(0.1 MB) If the intern knows that the client knows that they will be working on the file under the direction of the supervising lawyer while there is still on-the-job training, this could provide an incentive to do high-quality work. The advantage for the supervising lawyer is a higher level of work from the internship and an increase in the efficiency of the law firm. Training contracts are awarded after consultation with the trainee to ensure that their career goals are taken into account in parallel with the business needs of the company. He also pointed out that the practical training period for lawyers in the UK, France, Germany and Hong Kong is two years. The Ministry of Justice has accepted in principle the recommendations of the Lawyers` Professional Education Committee to strengthen the professional training system for lawyers in Singapore. First, we look at the benefits for all stakeholders in calculating the work of interns, and then we address some of the questions you might have. We have also added a sample practical training contract for your exam and adoption/adjustment, if applicable. The Ministry of Justice (MinLaw) announced today that it has accepted in principle the recommendations of the Lawyers` Professional Education Committee to strengthen the professional training system for lawyers in Singapore. The main recommendations are: (a) to dissociate admission to the bar from the conclusion of a contract of training for practice; (b) the extension of the training period from six months to one year; and (c) raise the level and severity of Part B of the Singapore Bar Examinations. The Committee also made 17 other specific recommendations to address separate issues within the VET system. The implementation of these recommendations will help improve the quality of legal education and better equip law graduates with the expertise to meet the demands of the future economy and society.

Fees for an intern`s contributions send a message to the public that interns are a valued part of the legal profession. They are not orphan economic figures handpicked to provide free labor under the guise of practical training, which is rejected at will only after the end of the internship. Practice trainees are one of them. Our CVC and training contracts each last 6 months, and you will join one of our practice groups such as wealth planning and taxation, corporate law, litigation and arbitration (general and criminal), intellectual property and technology, and banking finance and property. The billing of intern fees sends the signal that we value our practical interns as a profession and that they belong to the profession from the first day of their practical internship. Starting in 2023, the 12-month TPP will allow supervising lawyers a much longer period to pass on knowledge, skills and even expertise to their articling students in practice. These 12 months are an excellent springboard for interns to develop their skills and become an integral part of the legal profession. The calculation of the internship contribution is in line with the phased approach to training within the training framework proposed by the Lawyers Professional Education Committee, which is expected to come into effect by 2023. The report published by the Lawyers` Professional Education Committee (hereinafter the “Report”) acknowledges that the impossibility of charging for the trainee`s time weighs on the resources of the law firm, especially since the TPP is expected to double from six months to one year in 2023. Giving the law firm the opportunity to charge for the work done by its articling student facilitates the recruitment of trainees, especially for smaller law firms. It could even encourage more practitioners to become supervising lawyers. This will create a greater sense of belonging, education and guidance within the profession, which will facilitate the transfer of values from supervising lawyers to articling students and ensure that articling students who eventually become practitioners maintain the high standards that the public expects from a lawyer and a lawyer.

Yes. A partner will be appointed as your supervising lawyer during your articling period and will oversee your work and development and will be directly responsible for you. You can also expect to work closely with other partners as well as senior associates and associates from the department or team you are training with. Moreover, even after completing their legal training, there was a perceived “lack of transparency in the decision-making process” as to whether or not they would remain in law firms. This means that a practical training contract is no longer a prerequisite for admission to the bar. For these students, they can pursue alternative careers, such as.B in-house lawyers, practice support lawyers, legal lawyers, and legal technologists. Judge Loh said the committee believes its recommendations “will increase the quality and consistency of training standards across law firms and provide different avenues and opportunities for advocacy.” In order to understand the basic requirements of a practical training contract, please refer to our sample practical training contract here. dissociate admission to the bar from the conclusion of a contract for practical training; SINGAPORE: From 2023, law graduates who wish to practice as lawyers will have to complete one year of practical training at a law firm instead of the current six months after passing the Singapore Bar Exams. Over the years, the relationship between the supervising lawyer and the articling student has evolved. It has moved from a training relationship between the student and the master student to a relationship with the employer-employee character.

Practice trainees want peace of mind during their practice training (“TPP”) period that their work will be recognized and add value to legal practice. .