The situation of each family determines the frequency and duration of access. If there are no safety concerns, it is usually best for children to spend enough time with both parents to establish and maintain strong and healthy relationships. You may need to fill out other forms depending on what you are requesting. Fro is a government agency that collects support from the person who is to pay it, sends payments to the person who is to receive them, and ensures that child support and spousal support are paid. There are four types of child care in Ontario: single, shared, shared and divided. You may want to talk to a lawyer to find out if you need a custody or access order, as you may be able to resolve child-related issues without going to court. A person who has access to a child also has the right to receive information about his or her health, education and general situation. Custody is about making important decisions about how you care for and raise your children. These decisions could include the following: You can apply for custody of the children in two different ways. First, you can apply for custody under the Divorce Act. Note that any parent can apply for custody. Second, you could apply for custody under the Child Rights Reform Act. According to this law, a parent or a third party can submit the application.

The court makes a decision on the basis of the best interests of the child. Other factors that a judge will consider include each parent`s parenting skills, the emotional and physical well-being of the parents, the child`s desires, and issues raised by other children. Family law rules set out the steps you must take if you are involved in a family court case. The rules also include the forms you need to fill out. Parents must also create an access plan. You can determine how much time children spend with the parent they don`t live with. You do not need to include financial support. You can indicate if they help with childcare or if they are available in case of emergency.

The judge will want to know what support you need to make your plan work for the child. For example, “My sister agreed to take care of the children every Tuesday afternoon.” If you don`t have anyone who is a reliable support person, it`s okay to say “not applicable.” “Custody” means the legal capacity and responsibility to make important decisions for the custody and upbringing of a child, such as.B. : Electronic versions of forms in accordance with the Family Law Rules, O. Reg. 114/99, are available in the following table in a visible (Adobe PDF) and fillable (Microsoft Word) format. Both formats are printable. The format to be completed can be filled in online and saved on your computer for future reference. If you are applying for child benefits, spousal support or division of property, you will also need to complete an annual financial statement. Rule 13: Financial Disclosure tells you what financial information and other documents you need to provide.

The Canadian government`s child support tables show the basic monthly amounts of child support. Child benefits are based on: 1. Form 13: Financial Report (Support Entitlements): Use this form if you or your partner are only applying for child benefits, spousal support or both child benefits and spousal support. Do not use it if you need to divide property and debt. To start a new legal proceeding, you must always complete Form 8: Application (General) in addition to the form at issue in your case. For example, if you need to go to court to start a custody and access case, complete Forms 8 and 35.1 Affidavit to support the application for custody or access. This form will ask you personal questions about your family situation before your separation. For example, you will need to answer questions about domestic violence, whether a children`s charity is or has been involved in your family, and which takes care of your children most of the time. If you believe that the disclosure of information contained in documents in your court record could cause physical, mental or emotional harm to someone, including a child, you can file an application with the court and apply for an order restricting access to the court record. When deciding what kind of access arrangements you want for your child, you should think about the arrangements that work best for them.

Consider the child`s schedule and how far they have to travel to access it. Keep in mind that as children get older, their schedules may change and access arrangements may need to be flexible. In general, members of the public can access family court records that are not child protection records. When you receive a request for assistance, these forms are sent to the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). While it is the responsibility of both parents to care for their children, the non-custodial parent should provide financial assistance to the custodial parent. The Child Support Guidelines set out the amount of money a parent without custody would have to pay. The court may award more than is provided for in the guidelines to cover the special expenses of a child […].