Archive for the ‘IMonitor Softwares’ Category

Who Touched My Computer?

Posted on October 4th, 2009 in Computer and Internet monitoring, EAM Professional Edition, EAM Standard Edition, Employee Monitoring, IMonitor Softwares | Comments Off on Who Touched My Computer?

Who touched my computer when I was out? How do I do this? Is there any way to monitor children when they are on computer? These all can be solved with spyware called Computer Monitoring Software.At school, it used for monitoring students’ activities in internet. At home it used for monitoring families’ internet records. At office, it used as not only employee monitoring software but also printer monitor and so on. The most important is for personal, when I was out, it can record who touched my computer in detail as a keylogger. This is how powerful a spyware is.Even someone use my computer for watching DVDs, computer monitoring software can record it,too.There are many DVD tool softares in my computer, like DVD ripper, DVD copy and so on.

How did you do to put DVD to PSP ?I always rent DVDs for a store near by,and rip DVD to avi or rip DVD to iPod.This is easy for me to use DVD ripper or DVD copy to do this,and if something more complicated,such as convert videos.At that moment,I really need some other video converter for help,iPod video converter as its name, convert videos to ipod.
And PSP video converter as its name for converting videos to PSP.Like this, zune video converter and iphone video converter is almost the same,but they all packed in one suit,very easy for download and easy to use their functions.

Something like DVD rip is really proficiently for most of people for using these powerful software, this is the time of computer, time of software ,so just use it without any waste.

How to earn money in internet?

Posted on October 4th, 2009 in Computer and Internet monitoring, EAM Professional Edition, EAM Standard Edition, Employee Monitoring, IMonitor Softwares | Comments Off on How to earn money in internet?

What is the best way to earn money?This question is always asked by people around me.And kinds of tempted ads are everywhere in internet.Some programers earn money with there programs in internet,and some hawkers sell things on ebay.These are all the way of earning money. And there is another way to earn money is to act as an agent,especially software program agent.On regnow or any other payment processer,there are so many ready-made programs to be join such as DVD ripper and DVD converter, DVD rip softwares are popular for years,it useful for those who rent DVDs and want to convert DVD to avi.But this kind of DVD rippers cannot be popular so long,of course there are some rising software to be joined in,like spyware.Spy software is new and developing recent years.It used for moniotor employees and monitor pc at home or school.These employee monitoring is popular with managers and it’s has a big market.To be an agent of this software or keylogger software will be easy to get money. If you have any other way to earn money,it will be good for sharing your experiences,and it is said,while there is a will,there is a way.Find more and more will,earn more and more money.

Monitor Your Business

Posted on October 4th, 2009 in EAM Professional Edition, EAM Standard Edition, IMonitor Softwares, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Monitor Your Business

There are more and more businessmen working at home but not office now.And they also want to know if they can monitor their business at home.Though monitor software is used generally at office,but it only can monitor computers at the same LAN.So,is it possible to monitor pc in your office but at home? And in a forum,there is a topic the same as I think. Monitor software is not like DVD ripper ,DVD rip software is usually for personal used for dvd ripping ,dvd to avi and dvd to mp4 also,if you are a dvd funs,you will need it. All the montoring softwares are called spyware,also include keylogger. The topic says Is it possible to monitor your business from your home?What would it take for me to be able to visually monitor my business from my home? I already have an on-premise ADT system monitoring my business. I am online at home but not at the business. The ADT rep told me he thought I should be able somehow to go through my ISP (Comcast) in order to set up a system which would allow me to monitor my business from my house use software like spy software. Would I also need to be online at my business? Would I need to have my own website in order to be able to receive images at home?