3) Instead of talking about what you didn`t have or what went wrong, talk about the solution you`re hoping for and the possibilities of what may well happen in the future. Talk about the excitement of new ideas and inspirations that find their way to us. 35. “Everything you feel and do is just a projection of your own personal dream, a reflection of your own agreements.” 2) Move a little to a more positive statement from where you are. You can move “I`m so tired” to “I`m very excited to lower my head tonight.” You can say “I`m so busy” to “I`m grateful to have so many wonderful things to fill my days” Even if these are slight changes, you can feel better and the energy in the sentence is completely different and makes the difference between creating white magic or black magic. Pay attention to the thought that seems best to you and the thought that is the truest for you. The four agreements we will share with you will help you find your personal freedom and free yourself from the limits of life that you might feel now. Here we go! 28. “True love means accepting others as they are without trying to change them.” When we make assumptions, it`s because we believe we know what others are thinking and feeling. We think we know their point of view, their dream.

We forget that our beliefs are just our point of view, based on our belief system and our own personal experiences, which have nothing to do with what others think and feel. We assume that everyone condemns us, mistreats us, bullies us and blames us as we do ourselves. As a result, we reject ourselves before others have a chance to reject us. When we think this way, it becomes difficult to be ourselves in the world. Take action and make it clear to others what you want or don`t want; Don`t applaud or assume assumptions about things others tell you. Respect other points of view and avoid arguing just to be right. Respect yourself and be honest with yourself. Stop expecting people around you to know what`s in your head. I have never heard of the 4 agreements, but I completely agree with the importance of integrity! I do not entirely agree with Consent No. 2. Too many women`s thugs already believe that they are innocent if the woman has the courage to leave. Men who rape believe they are justified.

I know the chord has to be considered in context, but it`s dangerous in itself, and I like to think of white magic as creating what you want in the world and feeling joyful when you create it. I like to think of black magic as feeling bad and not feeling misaligned. You can instantly know if you are creating white or black magic by adapting to how you feel. When you feel good, you think and speak to each other with integrity. When you feel bad, you think and speak to yourself out of integrity. The four chords of life are – be impeccable with your word, take nothing personally, make no assumptions and always do your best. According to “The Four Agreements,” one way to handle your word impeccably is to speak with integrity, honesty, and truthfulness. Ruiz`s principles are rooted in traditional Toltec wisdom and their simplicity, these powerful chords are stimulating and focus on the idea that the way we think and act is based on agreements we make with ourselves. These agreements are supposed to be our personal belief systems that developed in childhood.

Ruiz presents how to let go of these beliefs and attachments as a path to a happy, healthy, and meaningful life. Do you want to learn to connect with your integrity and truth? Try my Journaling in Alignment course today! Impressive! It was the first pin I opened on Pinterest, and now I know why. I resonated with every chord. I felt like it spoke to me. I will receive this book as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing this!? 1. “True freedom has to do with the human mind – it`s the freedom to be who we really are.” In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel reveals the source of self-limiting agreements that deprive us of joy and create unnecessary suffering. If we are prepared to amend these agreements, there are four agreements of deceptive but powerful simplicity that we can adopt as guiding principles. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Accords offer a powerful code of conduct that can quickly transform our lives into a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. The first chord in the book is a simple but very powerful chord: Be impeccable with your word. For me, it`s just as important to be impeccable with your thoughts, because thoughts are “words you hear inside.” The words and thoughts you say over and over again can become habits or beliefs (sometimes consciously, but sometimes unconsciously!) 19. “Whenever we feel the emotions of anger, jealousy, envy or hatred, we experience a fire burning within us.

We live in a dream of hell. Being impeccable with your word means using your thoughts and words with integrity to make you feel GOOD. Since thoughts and words are choices, learning to think and speak intentionally to intentionally create what you desire can be of immense value to your life. Being impeccable with your word means THINKing with integrity, THINKing only what you really want to say, THINKing only what you really desire, and thinking only the truth about yourself and others. Just say what you mean.. .