Finally, a contract arises from the time of receipt and is interpreted or interpreted in accordance with the law of the place where it was concluded. Example of a constructed sentence. In the interest of hygiene, prostitution is allowed, and this fact is interpreted by many critics as evidence of tolerance. This selection was designed to deprive the old archbishop of the “option,” that is, the “philosophy of religion” can be interpreted in different ways. In Havana, as in all of Cuba, there is a cigar label that violates one of the rules that is interpreted as an insult. This could be interpreted as a blow to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who is actively considering both. Under the tripartite structure of the U.S. federal government (see: Separation of Powers), the courts have the power to interpret the law, as stated by Chief Justice John Marshall in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison (see also: Judicial Review).

When the court decides on the service of the law, the prevailing view is that it is not for the judge to enact the law, but to interpret the law. The two dominant theories of legal interpretation – purposivism and textualism – have different positions on how judges can best cling to this ideal of legislative supremacy. The problem is particularly acute in situations where Congress is unlikely to anticipate the particular circumstances at stake in court and legislate. Purposivists argue that courts should prioritize interpretations that advance the purpose of a law, while textualists argue that judges` concerns should be limited primarily to the text of the law. is this interpretation intended to explain or say the meaning of; explain; translate orally into a language or terms that are understandable or familiar; to decipher; define; – mainly applied to language, but also to dreams, signs, behaviors, mysteries, etc.; how to interpret the Hebrew language for an Englishman; to a file. More generally, leases of dubious duration are interpreted in favour of tenants. But I have never expressed my opinion in a way that could be interpreted as a crime or that has tended to cause trouble. When communism was a threat, it was interpreted as a communist conspiracy. This is not an insult to farmers (although it can be interpreted as an insult to Grassley); it`s just a slip. The enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution should not be interpreted as a negation or denigration of others that are retained by the people.

To interpret means to determine the meaning of the text of a written document (a law, a regulation, a court decision, etc.) on the basis of the rules of legal interpretation. 1. Understand or explain the meaning of (something), especially in a certain way; Interpret: The waiter interpreted my smile as an approval. The editorial interpreted the act as irresponsible. Construe can usually be translated as “interpret”. It is often used in law; For example, an attorney general might interpret the term “serious injury” in a child abuse law to include bruises, or a judge could interpret the wording on gifts to “heirs” as including spouses. The IRS interpretation of some of your activities may be different from yours – and be much more expensive at tax time. The construction is also close to translation; So, for example, when the British say “public school,” it should be interpreted or translated as “preparatory school” in the American sense.

Regardless of their different theories of interpretation, judges can use many similar tools to gather evidence of legal importance. First, judges usually start by looking for the clear meaning of a legal text. Second, courts interpret certain provisions in light of their broader legal context. Third, judges can turn to the canons of construction, which are inferences about how courts typically read laws. Fourth, a court may examine the genesis of a particular provision. Finally, judges can consider how a law has been or will be applied. Although purposivists and textualists can use any of these tools, the theory of a judge`s legal interpretation can influence the order in which they are applied and the weight given to each tool. As the company has formulated the directive, all its provisions are interpreted strictly in its favour. According to this logic, any action could probably be interpreted as a “language”, an intransitive verb.

: cooperate secretly, especially to do something illegal or dishonest: conspiracy, conspiracy It was also mathematically possible for a handful of senators. Work with the president to approve a treaty that betrays a vital interest in a foreign power. Think or judge: Think it`s wise to take the ones she thought were appropriate for a movie to go slow. intransitive verb. : have an opinion: believe. Loose construction means that the constitution gives the federal government broad powers to do what is necessary. A strict interpretation means that every word of the Statute must be interpreted literally and not in relation to the spirit behind the Statute. . Here, if interpreted strictly, the courts will apply the literal rule of interpretation. abbreviation of “proper recognition”, which means that the judge has allowed a person charged in a criminal case to be released without bail until trial. A person who has been released in this way is often referred to as “OR-ed”. O.S.C.

n. abbreviation of Order to Show Cause. The law is divided into four broad categories. These types of laws are tort law, contract law, property law and criminal law. Im 14. In the nineteenth century, English speakers acquired the closely related words interpret and construct. You may think of construction as a word related to the construction of houses or highways, but it has long had other meanings, including “the arrangement of words in a sentence” and “interpretation.” Similarly, interpretation can mean “analyzing the disposition and relationship of words in a sentence” or “interpreting or explaining.” Construe and construction come from the Latin verb construere (“to build or build”). In the 15th century, English speakers added a misinterpretation to create a misunderstanding, a word that means “to put a wrong construction (i.e. a misinterpretation)”. THE MEANING OF COMMUNICATION IS INTERPRETED INDIVIDUALLY. People involved in communication play an important role in building meaning, which means that they actively create meaning from experiences or phenomena through symbolic representation.

The opposite of construction is false, which means misinterpreting or misinterpreting. If you get a bad grade for an essay, don`t assume that your teacher doesn`t like you. .