But one aspect that is particularly troubling is that such a clause exists. His practice already had a digital platform that complied with health-related data protection laws and patient exemption forms, which included a clause on telemedicine. Contracts are not the only legal documents divided into clauses. In fact, the U.S. Constitution consists of hundreds of clauses. These are often identified by their article, section and clause or paragraph numbers, although many clauses of the Constitution are mentioned often enough to have also received names. Some of these clauses often mentioned or discussed are: His rule then passed to the ten-pound qualification clause. A group of words in a sentence that contains a subject and a predicate. (See dependent clause and independent clause.) This clause was adopted and James Madison drew national attention for the first time to his thought and philosophy. Allied Universal`s contract also includes a clause stating that its video footage is not considered a public recording, meaning members of the public will need a court order to view the footage captured by more than two-thirds of the agency`s security forces.

The school then refused to pay the full amount of the settlement, and the trial court granted Snay`s request to force or compel the school to pay the agreed amount. The school appealed the decision, arguing that the agreement explicitly stated that if Snay violated the confidentiality clause, he would lose $80,000 of the settlement amount. The Court of Appeal ruled that the wording of the confidentiality clause was quite clear about the restrictions and overturned the litigant court`s decision to force the school to pay the full amount of the settlement. He added that diminishing clause and just remembered how brighter he was than Nigel. A clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. This type of clause is useful when talking about grammar. Another type of clause is a provision or provision of a legal contract. An insurance policy can be assigned, although it usually includes a clause that the insurer`s consent is required. In 2011, Gulliver Preparatory School in Florida decided not to renew its principal`s employment contract. The director, Patrick Snay, 60, filed a civil action for age discrimination. The school reached an agreement with Snay and agreed to pay him $150,000.

The settlement included a confidentiality clause that limited Snay to discussing the matter only with his wife, lawyer and other professional advisors. He probably didn`t think he would fall into this restriction of talking to his 18-year-old daughter about the colony, but it turned out to be his loss. Clause is a name that comes from the old French phrase, which, if we go back far, comes from the Latin clausula, “the end, a conclusion”. Around 1300, the “ending” implication of the word began to fade and was replaced by “article or section of a text”. And in the legal sense, documents such as marriage contracts or employment contracts often contain clauses. There may even be a clause in his contract that obliges him to accept certain substantive restrictions. Snay`s daughter posted a Facebook post saying her father had “won” his lawsuit against the school and that the school was “officially paying for [his] vacation in Europe this summer.” This post provided the settlement information to the girl`s 1,200 Facebook friends, in violation of the confidentiality clause that Snay could not disclose this information, directly or indirectly. The law included another practical clause aimed at blocking the construction of lines for political reasons. Legal documents are usually divided into several numbered sections, making it easier to navigate the document.

These separate sections, paragraphs, segments, and expressions are called “clauses.” Clauses are often used in contracts, deeds, wills, settlement agreements, and other important documents. To explore this concept, consider the following clause definition. In both cases, the document contains the same clauses that weigh on the city if things do not go as planned. Britannica English: Translation of the clause for Arabic speakers In the grammatical sense, a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb, or it can only refer to part of a sentence. For example, the phrase “If Jerry gets this new job” is a clause, but not a sentence. In a legal context, a clause is part of a written legal document. The breakdown of these documents by section or paragraph becomes easier to reference the relevant information. As an example of a clause, attorney Mark may point to a specific section of his client`s employment contract in court and say: As strange as the theory is, invoking “quantum physics” is not a clause to avoid compliance with physical laws. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “clause”. The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback.

So far, TV channels have resisted accepting these enigmatic clauses. CLAUSE, contracts. A special provision that is part of a contract; a law of the legislator; an act, written agreement or other written contract or will. If a clause is unclear, it should be interpreted as being consistent with the foregoing and the following, to the extent possible. Empty Dig. 50, 17, 77; construction; Interpretation. When creating a contract, it is common for lawyers to use templates that include a specific standard language. They then add specific provisions to the agreement.

These contracts have usually already been formatted into sections using a multi-level list. There are a number of types of contractual clauses that are used regularly. Here are some examples of types of clauses: The contract clause had an end date that was slowly approaching, so the question of when Avatar 2 should be released was critical. The following week, Maria`s mother filed a civil lawsuit against Louise, demanding a full refund of what she paid her for the dress. Although there was no formal contract with legal language, Louise`s reference on the work order that the dress had to be completed and delivered before a certain date before the dance party is for a time that is essential. Sanford retaliated against Sullivan, who “certainly did not respect this clause.” See full definition of clause in the dictionary of English language learners Here are examples of types of clauses that contain wording specific to a particular type of contract. These are “boilerplate” clauses where only a small amount of information needs to be added, if any. Clause / klôz/ • n. 1. a grammatical unit of organization further below the phrase in rank and traditional grammar, which should consist of a subject and a predicate. See also main clause, subordinate clause.2. a specific and distinct article, provision or reservation in a treaty, bill or contract.

DERIVATIVES: claus·al / ˈklôzəl / adj. . A document is usually divided into several numbered components so that certain sections can be easily found. The supremacy clause, for example, is part of Article IV of the United States Constitution. Maria`s mother hires seamstress Louise to make a special dress that Maria can wear at her dance party next month. The dress is said to be made of satin and taffeta in Mary`s favorite color – purple – and her mother explicitly tells Louise that she will need the dress at least four days before her concert, which will take place on the 15th of the month. Louise writes the work and makes a notation to give Maria the finished dress at the 11th. . They would not replace, for example, the federal settlement clause law in the First Amendment.

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