On January 15, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said that while Haftar had not signed a ceasefire agreement in Moscow that al-Sarraj had signed, it was “too early” to judge whether the ceasefire had failed. [36] The Libya Herald reported “relative calm” with “some ceasefire violations” since January 12. [37] On January 16, German officials declared that Haftar was committed to the ceasefire. [38] On July 19, 1953, the delegates agreed on all the items on the agenda. [30] On July 27, 1953, at 10:00 a.m. .m .m, the armistice was signed by Nam Il, a delegate of the KPA and PVA, and William K. Harrison Jr., a delegate of the UNC. [2] Twelve hours after the signing of the document, all the provisions approved in the ceasefire have begun. [31] The agreement provided for follow-up by an international commission. The Neutral Nations Monitoring Commission (NNSC) was established to prevent the arrival of reinforcements in Korea, whether additional military personnel or new weapons, and inspection teams from the NNSC from Czechoslovakia, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland operated throughout Korea. [13] The Lahu Democratic Union and the New Mon State Party then joined the ceasefire[8] and signed the agreement on February 13, 2018. [9] [10] [11] [12] The 830-kilometre ceasefire line established in the agreement began at a southernmost point west of the Chenab River in Jammu. It ran in an arc north and then northeast to map coordinate NJ9842, about 19 km north of the Shyok River.

[6] The armistice also established regulations for prisoners of war. The agreement stated: The 1. In January 1949, a United Nations-brokered armistice was agreed between India and Pakistan, ending the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 (also known as the Kashmir War of 1947). In October 1947, fighting broke out between the two newly independent countries in Kashmir, with India intervening on behalf of the princely ruler of Kashmir, who had joined India, and Pakistan supporting the rebels. The fighting was limited to Kashmir, but fearing it would turn into a full-scale international war, India referred the matter to the UN Security Council under Article 35 of the UN Charter, which deals with situations that “could jeopardize the maintenance of international peace.” The Security Council established the UNITED Nations Special Commission for India and Pakistan, which mediated for an entire year while the fighting continued. After several UN resolutions that outlined a procedure for settling the dispute by referendum, an armistice agreement between the countries was concluded towards the end of December 1948, which entered into force in the new year. The Security Council has deployed the United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) to monitor the ceasefire line. [17] India declared a ceasefire in the Kashmir Valley during Ramadan 2018. [18] Although the peace process was initially largely trouble-free, tensions escalated in 2001 with an increase in sectarian conflicts, riots, political disagreements, and the dismantling process. Real IRA bombs on the BBC and a business district in London threatened to derail the peace process. [12] [13] The dispute over the Holy Cross in North Belfast, which began in June 2001, would become a major episode of sectarian conflict. In addition, the joint statement announced that the two nations will now participate “together” in international competitions, including the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

[77] In mid-December 1950, the United States discussed the terms of an agreement to end the Korean War. [9] The desired agreement was aimed at ending the fighting, providing assurances against its resumption, and protecting the future security of UNC forces. [10] The United States has called for a military ceasefire commission composed of mixed members to oversee all agreements. [9] The two sides should agree to “cease the introduction of air, land or naval air, land or naval air, land or sea units or personnel into Korea. and refrain from increasing the level of war equipment and materiel available in Korea. [9] The United States wanted to create a demilitarized zone about 20 miles (32 km) wide. [9] The proposed agreement would also address the issue of prisoners of war, as the United States. Believe it should be exchanged on an individual basis. [9] The Libyan Joint Military Commission 5+5 began its second round of negotiations in Geneva on February 18. Salamé described the nature of the issues to be discussed such as: “What kind of monitoring do you need? Who will do it on the ground? Will they be disarmed? What happens to other weapons? What happens to non-regular fighters? What will happen to the overconstructed areas, I mean very urbanized in the city of Tripoli, I mean who will be in charge of the police.

[61] The GNA said it withdrew from the talks after the port of Tripoli was bombed by the LNA. The talks continued on 20 February[62] and ended on 23 February. The JCC participants agreed on the draft ceasefire declaration for the return of the civilian population to their homes and on the establishment of a joint ceasefire monitoring mechanism to be administered by UNSmil and the JMC and proposed to the leaders of the GNA and the LNA. A third meeting was scheduled for March to define the terms of reference of the subcommittees responsible for the implementation of the agreement. [32] On March 17, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a law on the “special status” of Donbass, as established in Minsk II. [56] Later, in 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted thursday to extend rules providing for limited autonomy to separatist-controlled eastern regions, a precondition for an agreement to resolve the five-year conflict there. [57] The law was immediately criticized by Ukrainian politicians, separatist leaders, and the Russian government. Radical Party leader Oleh Lyashko said the law was “a vote for de facto recognition of the Russian occupation in Donbass.” Parliament Deputy Speaker Andriy Parubiy said the law was “not for Putin or the occupiers,” but to show Europe that Ukraine is ready to respect Minsk II. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the law was a “clear break with the Minsk agreements.” [56] Representatives of the LPR and DPR said that the law was a “unilateral” amendment to Minsk II and that the agreement was annulled by this amendment.

[58] DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko said that any amendment in Minsk II that was not agreed upon was “legally void” and that “nothing agreed in Minsk was implemented.” .