Add Agent program installation folder and the main program file path into the exclusion list of the anti-virus software.
The path of Agent installation folder is:
The main program file path is:
What to do when anti-virus deleted some EXE file in iMonitor 365(WorkAuditor) folder?
1. Add iMonitor 365(WorkAuditor) installation folder into the exclusion list of your anti-virus.
2. Disable your anti-virus.
3. Reinstall iMonitor 365(WorkAuditor).
4. Enable your anti-virus.
NOTE: Currently iMonitor 365(WorkAuditor) is compatible and works smoothly with most popular anti-virus and firewall software, like Norton and kaspersky anti-virus and firewall etc. But still anti-virus and firewall software would be considered by all the monitoring software company. If some errors occur like client can't show in web console, please disable client anti-virus and firewall at first.