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Internet filter

Power Keylogger prohibit the access to malicious websites

Nowadays, Internet has been popular with every family. Everyone can not get away from internet. It has become an essensial part of our daily life. So a safe surfing environment is necessary special for our kids. Taking a good care of controlling and internet filtering has more and more been important to us. Power Keylogger is such a application made for internet filter.

What kind of things Power Keylogger can do with internet filtering for parents?

By using Power Keylogger, parents can set some sensitive words or phrases being filtered, when kids sufing some website which contained some words or phrases being filtered, browsing tools like IE, Firefox, would automatically block such web page. That is just called internet filtering. And Power Keyloggyer specially enchances internet filter function, not only providing basic keywords internet filter, also optimized the AI engine of identify of internet filter.

To our children, what sorts of websites should be filtered by Power Keylogger?

Drugs: Advocating or promoting recreational use of any controlled substance. (Also see Illegal)


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