
Can i install the software remotely?

iMonitor: Hello, How may I help you?

Customer: Hi,how is this software installed?

iMonitor: Server and agent.

Customer: Does it need to be installed into the imonitored pc directly to see what they are doing?

iMonitor: Yes, you have to install the agent program on the computer which you want to monitor, the agent can be installed manually, remotely, and you can even install it via Group Policy.

Customer: What is installed by group policy or remotely? How does that work?

iMonitor: The EAM agent program.

Customer: So you install the software via server to all computers connected to it.

iMonitor: Yes, if the computers are domain based.

Customer: Okay,i see.And is there a shortcut to activate the program?

iMonitor: No shortcut, the agent works in stealth mode, no window, no message.

Customer: OK,i see.Thank you.

iMonitor: You're welcome.

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